Barts Charity launches Greatest Gift Appeal | Latest news

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Barts Charity launches Greatest Gift Appeal

Women holds child

Barts Charity has launched its Greatest Gift Appeal for our young and elderly patients in hospital this Christmas. 

The Greatest Gift Appeal will deliver over 1000 gifts this Christmas. Charity and hospital staff are encouraging everyone to support the appeal by making an online donation that will provide much-needed gifts.

Families are sharing their greatest gift wishes in support of the appeal.

Emma is mum to Liam who was treated at The Royal London Hospital during his first Christmas. Emma said: “Liam was in hospital at Christmas when he was first born because he needed surgery at 2 days old. You kind of forgot Christmas even happened. I had no presents lined up or anything. It was just making sure he got out. His first Christmas was pretty much ruined.

"The one present I would want forever is for Liam to be healthy and not have to come into hospital. That would be the greatest gift.”

 Anything raised over and above what’s needed to buy the gifts will help Barts Health staff provide extraordinary care for young and old patients all year round.

Lucy Wootton, head of the play team at The Royal London Hospital said: “No child or young person wants to be in hospital over Christmas, it’s such a special time for people to be at home with their friends and family, so we try to make the hospital as festive and friendly as possible during this time.

"We really hope that our local community will support this appeal and give every child a gift this Christmas. We really appreciate any donations big or small that will lift our patients’ spirits over the festive period.”

How to support Barts Charity’s Greatest Gift Appeal

To support the Greatest Gift Appeal, go to

The difference that can be made:

  • £5 could buy a rattle to bring a smile to a baby’s face.
  • £15 could buy a cosy blanket to keep an older patient feeling snug.
  • £65 could buy a portable DVD player so patients can still watch their favourite festive films.

Supporters can also show their support by Texting GGIF18 £10 to 70070 or calling 020 7618 0720


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  1. Miss Gail e hewitt Monday, 1 March 2021 at 10:26 PM

    Please call on 07488442596 to give s donation monthly you see if it was not for you my brother would not be alive today

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