Barts Health: we stand together #BlackLivesMatter | Latest news

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Barts Health: we stand together #BlackLivesMatter

We have been deeply saddened and outraged by the death of George Floyd. We serve one of the most diverse populations in the country and over half of our staff are from BAME backgrounds; we know many will have been hurt by recent events. 

To celebrate our diversity and the staff that bring our organisation to life we have shared just some of their stories. We invite you to read and learn from their accounts, because it is together that we will make the world a kinder and fairer place. 

We are committed to eliminating discrimation, valuing diversity and becoming a more inclusive organisation.

#WeStandTogether #BlackLivesMatter #TeamBartsHealth 

I recognise and cherish diversity: Olu Alaka

Black lives and careers matter: Funke Bella

We are here to be seen: Celina Mfuko and Prisca Duah

For Barts Health to be an inclusive environment for everyone, we ought to support our staff by investing in their personal development and progression: Ebenezer Gberbie

Remembering George Floyd: Samantha Ming

As a black man, it was very difficult intubating and managing many people who looked and sounded like me: Dr Olusegun Olusanya

The change starts with each and every one of us: Dr Joyce Omatseye

Stay strong and believe in yourself: Dr Sudeshna Patra

We stand by our BAME communities and colleagues: Alwen Williams


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  1. Shona Tuesday, 16 June 2020 at 06:39 PM

    I have been privileged to journey with Oyebanji Adewumi over the last ten years. She has been gracious in supporting me when I have been clumsy in my questions. She has amplified the importance of continuing in conversation. Thank you Banji

  2. Wale Croft Monday, 22 June 2020 at 11:03 PM

    Hi there,
    Interesting and moving stories! However, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but when you click on the tab for Samantha Ming’s story, you get that of Alwen Williams instead.
    Any ideas why this is the case - please?

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