Healthier planet, healthier people

Climate change poses a major threat to NHS staff, patients and our communities. There is a direct link between the health of our planet and the health of our people. Across the NHS, we are acting to reduce the harmful gases we put into the atmosphere. Fewer emissions will mean fewer patients with asthma, heart disease and cancer. It will also reduce any disruption to the delivery of the care we provide.
The NHS ambition is to be the world’s first net-zero health service by 2040. Here at Barts Health we have made great strides towards that target by reducing our carbon emissions by almost 40% over a decade. Together, we can do even more. We are now refreshing the ambitious Green Plan we started work on before the pandemic, with the aim of doubling that reduction over the next ten years.
We are proud to support the Greener NHS staff campaign, which is nationally fronted by our very own Zahra Shehabi, a dental consultant and part of the Green at Barts Health group, and her daughter. Over the coming weeks we will step up our efforts to engage staff across our hospitals in what more we can each do to invest in greener medicines, greener transport, greener buildings and greener energy consumption.
Alwen Williams, group chief executive, said: “Everyone can do their bit, no matter how small. The more of us that introduce small actions into our everyday routines, the more we can lessen our impact on the environment, and the more we can improve health.
“The NHS has already declared a health climate emergency. I have asked our Board to formally endorse this declaration at its November meeting, in anticipation that publication of our revised Green Plan early in the New Year will reaffirm our reputation for being leaders in environmental management and sustainability.”