New medical directors appointed

Following a competitive process, four new medical directors have been appointed. Heather Noble, Simon Harrod and Edward Rowland leave their posts after six years, and Andrew Kelso is leaving the trust to take up the position of medical dicrector at NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board.
During their tenure, the medical leadership in all of our hospitals has flourished. They have overseen, with our excellent directors of nursing, huge improvements in our clinical governance and the quality and safety of care we provide to our patients has improved significantly throughout our organisation. Alongside this they have provided strong and supportive professional leadership of our doctors. At no time has this been more apparent and important than during the pandemic.
I thank them for their superb leadership over such a long period of time and wish them all well in their future endeavours.
Alistair Chesser, group chief medical officer
A big welcome to our new directors
Newham: Dr Liat Sarner
Liat is currently deputy medical director at Newham. She is a sexual health consultant, a service she led trust-wide with distinction for many years before her current appointment.
St Bartholomew's: Dr Andrew Wragg
Andrew is a consultant cardiologist based at St Bartholomew's with extensive experience of working at The Royal London. He has been an influential leader in the trust and nationally on quality and safety of patient care.
The Royal London: Dr Malik Ramadhan
Malik moves from his current role of divisional director and clinical board chair for emergency medicine and trauma to become medical director. Malik has occupied many senior leadership positions in the trust and brings a wealth of talent and experience to the role.
Whipps Cross: Dr Remi Odejinmi
Remi joins us as our new medical director. Remi is a consultant anaesthetist at Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust (BHRUT), as well as director of inclusion. Remi is a local resident and is greatly looking forward to becoming part of the Whipps Cross team.
Dr Mamta Vaidya has also been appointed to chief medical officer at BHRUT
In addition to the Barts Health appointments, Dr Mamta Vaidya, deputy medical director at The Royal London, has also been appointed as chief medical officer at BHRUT. Mamta is well known throughout Barts Health, especially at The Royal London Hospital where she ran the children's division with distinction for some years. Mamta succeeds Magda Smith who was recently appointed as our deputy chief medical officer.
With our organisations working so closely together, we will continue to see much of her and to benefit from her superb leadership.
Thank you to our outgoing medical directors and a warm welcome to our new ones.