The future #TeamBartsHealth | Latest news

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The future #TeamBartsHealth

We know that happy staff equals happy patients. Which is why we are making a firm commitment to work with #TeamBartsHealth to create an outstanding place to work.

Our vision is to be a high-performing group of NHS hospitals, renowned for excellence and innovation, and providing safe and compassionate care to our patients in east London and beyond. Our people strategy for 2019-2022 sets out our priorities and an action plan to meet this ambition. In this strategy, we set out the deal we are offering to you in return for living and breathing our values so that they shape everything that you do every single day.

This Our future TeamBartsHealth[pdf] 12MB seeks to create a positive and sustainable future for our 24,000 staff. The healthcare needs of the future will be different from today, and our workforce and the way we work with our partners needs to reflect this. Your development and experience at work is important to us, and we want to support you to be yourself in a healthy and inclusive environment. We also recognise your expertise in knowing how we can improve the things that get in the way of providing safe and compassionate care to the people of east London, so we’re putting you in the driving seat of making the changes you want to see. We look forward to working with you to build our future and create an outstanding place to work.


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