Leading the country in commercial research | Latest news

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Leading the country in commercial research

A member of staff looking into a microscope

Barts Health NHS Trust is today named top of the nation for the sixth consecutive year for its number of industry-supported trials.

Data from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) shows that last year our patients got involved in 153 industry studies, creating further treatment opportunities.

Overall, more than 18,000 patients took part in a range of clinical trials last year at Barts Health, the largest research facility in the country.

In total across the capital, it was a record-breaking year for research with more than 177,400 research participants, an increase of nearly 40,000 on the previous year.

Dr Alistair Chesser, Group Chief Medical Officer at Barts Health NHS Trust, said: "This announcement is terrific news for our patients and a real boost to researchers here. Our clinical research is pushing boundaries and expanding treatment options for patients in all aspects of clinical care and we have a particular focus on life sciences. This is an exciting time for clinical research at Barts Health and I am looking forward to seeing how our research continues to progress our mission to transform the face of healthcare in East London.”

Dr Paula Aubrey, Chief Operating Officer of Clinical Research Network North Thames, said: “These impressive statistics are a testament to researchers across North Thames, who have worked incredibly hard to give nearly 80,000 participants access to potential new treatments.

“It is a fantastic example of collaboration across the NHS. I offer my profound thanks, on behalf of the network, to everyone for their hard work.”

Explore research opportunities here at Barts Health


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