London the therapy cat pays a visit to staff and patients | Latest news

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London the therapy cat pays a visit to staff and patients

One friendly feline brought a smile to patients' faces at The Royal London Hospital last week.

London the cat is a Pets As Therapy cat who visits patients to help them feel better.

London’s owner Isobel said: “I’m always looking for different things to do with my cat. That’s how I found Pets As Therapy, through browsing on the internet. I thought it was a wonderful activity to do together and to give back at the same time.

"For me, the biggest reward is the smiles.

"The expression “London made my day” is something we hear regularly. London provides an escape to what the patient is going through. It triggers a conversation about their pets, on how much they miss them and how special they are in our life. He brings joy to the family and friends of the patients."

You can follow London on Twitter here.

Another wonderful morning volunteering

Pets as Therapy link specially trained pets up with hospitals to surprise and delight patients in hospital and help aid their recovery.

Read more about London's story on the Pets as Therapy website.

London looking handsome in a bow tie


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  1. Jackie Sullivan Tuesday, 11 June 2019 at 03:42 PM

    This is so good to see and lovely for our patients. I am amazed that the cat is so well behaved! I have two and one would be running away and hiding and the other would be out mousing.....
    Thank you Pets as Therapy.

  2. Agnieszka Wrobel Wednesday, 12 June 2019 at 12:28 PM

    He is so adorable! What an amazing initiative contributing to the wellbeing of our patients.

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