More young Londoners receive long awaited dental care | Latest news

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More young Londoners receive long awaited dental care

The tooth fairy really does exist for hundreds of children across the capital who are getting speedier access to dental surgery at a leading London hospital.

Since the launch of ‘Project Tooth Fairy’ last year, surgeons have carried out over 1000 extra operations on children needing specialist treatment at the dental hospital within The Royal London in Whitechapel.

The team redeveloped space within the dental hospital to provide three new procedure rooms and recovery space, providing additional capacity for the whole of London.

This has enabled clinicians to clear the backlog of young patients whose treatment was delayed because of the pandemic.

Mr Joe McQuillan, clinical director for The Royal London Dental Hospital said: “We are delighted to confirm that young people who have waited more than two years have received their care.

“However, the work does not stop here. We are now working hard to ensure that those waiting more than a year for treatment are seen as soon as possible, as well as planning for what the facility could potentially deliver in treating adult patients and those with additional needs.”

Our aim is to ensure that children across London have access to specialist dental care within appropriate time frames. By working collaboratively with other community and hospital providers we have created a facility and hopefully a legacy that will ensure that the improved access to care for these patients is sustainable.

Parent of a patient, Muhammad Sheharyar, said: “My experience of my son’s treatments was perfect. I’m fully satisfied with the treatment and the staff were extraordinary. The treatment was spot on and this positive feedback is well deserved. Well done for what The Royal London Hospital is doing.”

100% of patients said they had a positive experience after receiving their treatment and would recommend the service to friends and family. This is a testament to all those involved in getting this initiative up and running for our patients.

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  1. Celeste Villanueva Monday, 7 November 2022 at 11:20 AM

    Well done to us (team), thank you for all your hard work.

  2. Lakshmi Kavitha Wednesday, 9 November 2022 at 05:21 PM

    Well done team, let us keep up our good work.

  3. Lakshmi Kavitha Wednesday, 9 November 2022 at 05:24 PM

    Well done team, let us keep up our good work.

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