Our brand new Clinical Research Centre has opened | Latest news

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Our brand new Clinical Research Centre has opened

We are proud to announce the opening of our Clinical Research Centre which will benefit thousands of patients across our hospitals.

The purpose-built £496,000 centre, funded by Barts Charity, replaces a disused gym and includes outpatient treatment facilities, a laboratory and much-improved investigation facilities.

More than 17,000 patients took part in clinical research studies last year at our hospitals and the new centre will enable even more people to benefit from research.

Angela Hancock, a former patient and  chair of the diabetes lay research panel at The Royal London, said: “I came up here as a patient initially when I was involved with diabetes research and at the time the facility was quite small. Now we have people regularly coming to talk about research here – it’s truly amazing to have something as fabulous as this on our doorstep.

“I’m a Tower Hamlets resident and the opportunities for the community are amazing, it’s also inspiration for young people in the area to want to work here in the future.”

Pharmacist Rizvan Batha said: “It’s important that we take steps in the right direction as the largest research facility in the country. We have more than 400 active drugs trials that pharmacy are involved in. It’s great to see such a facility be available.”

Group Chief Executive Alwen Williams, said: “I am absolutely delighted to be here today at the opening of this important facility.

“We are a hugely ambitious organisation with a moral responsibility to end health inequality in our diverse East London community and this new research facility will help us to deliver this.

“Thank you to everyone who has made this possible for future generations for many years to come.”

Fiona Miller Smith, Chief Executive at Barts Charity adds: “At Barts Charity we’re passionate about funding medical research, especially where patient impact is felt quickly. We’re proud to fund this new facility which will help researchers translate treatments from bench to bedside with greater ease and speed.”


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  1. Helen Harvey Wednesday, 26 June 2019 at 09:48 AM

    Excellent news, I'm guessing this is at R.L.H.?

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